MacJac Art and Stephen Kennedy Photography


I have recently made some of my images available for purchase and printing over at! MacJac Art is a site that uses a technology that allows you to have images printed on many types of materials and sizes and you can crop the images into several different forms. If you want to create a triptych or a 9 panel print of one of my images you can do that using their cropping tool. There are lots of possible printing options. Their site allows you to choose the size, the format and the material that the images are printed. This gives you the ability of customizing the image to fit the space you are looking for and can create some pretty unique looks with the final image.

Please browse and share my gallery over there and if you like one of my images, consider having one printed with them.


I will continue to offer Limited Edition, Signed Prints, Artist’s Proofs, Exclusive’s  and prints on some specialized media here via my website.

Thank you for your support!

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